What happens to aquaculture pathogens during the disinfection process?

What happens to aquaculture pathogens during the disinfection process?

To answer this question and test the efficacy of a novel ultrasound disinfection device being developed by the HatcheryMatch project, researchers at project partner University of Malta have taken a closer look at harmful bacteria using powerful scanning electron microscopes. SEM imagery uses a beam of electrons to show scientists the surfaces of even the smallest objects, including bacteria, in high resolution detail.

HatcheryMatch researchers ultimately found that the aquaculture pathogens are severely affected by the ultrasound disinfection process. Although these initial results are promising, Malta-based researchers will collaborate with researchers in China to test the application of this new technology in an integrated marine recirculating hatchery system stocked with turbot larvae. We can’t wait to see the impacts ultrasound disinfection has on larval fish health and welfare in RAS!

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Project HatcheryMatch funded by the Malta Council for Science and Technology through the Sino-Malta Fund 2020 (Science and Technology Cooperation). An Automated Marine Fish Hatchery with Innovated Water Recirculation Technologies (HatcheryMatch, Grant No.  2020YFE0108700, also funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, China.

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