How can turbot embryos be counted more efficiently and effectively in a hatchery setting?
China-based partners at the Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute are in the process of developing their very own solution to the common aquaculture problem of counting thousands of fish eggs and larvae at a time. FMIRI researchers have developed an embryonic image analyser to address this issue, and are currently testing the device with live turbot embryos. The analyser makes use of various neural networks for embryo identification and counting.
The embryonic image analyser will be incorporated into a fully automated marine recirculating turbot hatchery system integrated with the other key HatcheryMatch innovations being developed by Malta-based and China-based researchers.
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Project HatcheryMatch funded by the Malta Council for Science and Technology through the Sino-Malta Fund 2020 (Science and Technology Cooperation). An Automated Marine Fish Hatchery with Innovated Water Recirculation Technologies (HatcheryMatch, Grant No. 2020YFE0108700, also funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, China.